

Rabu, 30 April 2014

Tugas ke 1 penerjemahan berbantuan komputer

Source Language Text
Google Translation
These  are the things I know are true:
Ini adalah hal yang saya tahu adalah benar
Inilah hal yang kutahu pasti benar

Analysis : From the source language text which is translated by Google translate into  Indonesian, Google translate can produce an Indonesian preposition ‘yang’, and it is more natural if using that preposition.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
My name is LuLing Liu Young.
Nama saya LuLing Liu Young.
Namaku LuLing Liu Young.
Analysis : In this Google translation, Google can translate the source language text clearly and more natural, but the writer thinks that the source language text is a literary text, so the right Indonesian translation of the source language is the translation of ‘revised’ column.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
The names of my husbands were Pan Kai Jing and Edwin Young, both of them dead and our secrets gone with them.
Nama-nama suami saya adalah Pan Kai Jing dan Edwin Young, keduanya mati dan rahasia kami pergi dengan mereka.
Nama suami-suamiku Pan Kai Jing dan Edwin Young, keduanya mati bersama rahasia kami.
Analysis : From Google translation of the source language text, we can see that Google translates the source language text word by word. So the Indonesian translation of the source language text is not natural.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
My daughter is Ruth Luyi Young .
Putri saya adalah Ruth Luyi Young.
Putriku bernama Ruth Luyi Young.
Analysis : From Google translation above, we can see again that Google translates the source language text word by word. It results the unnatural translation.
Source Language Text
Google Translation
She was born in a Water Dragon Year and I in a Fire Dragon Year. 
Ia dilahirkan di Tahun Naga Air dan saya di Naga Api Tahun.
Dia lahir pada Tahun Naga Air dan Aku pada Tahun Naga Api.
Analysis : In the first clause of the source language text Google translates it not word by word, but in the second clause Google translate it word by word, so that the translation is not natural.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
So we are the same but for opposite reasons.
Jadi kita sama tetapi untuk alasan yang berlawanan.
Maka dari itu kami mirip namun untuk alasan-alasan yang berlawanan.
Analysis : In this Google translation, Google translate the word ‘we’ into indonesian by using word ‘kita’. However, the source language text is a text of literature, so the right Indonesian translation of the word ‘we’ is the word ‘kami’. If the writer use the word ‘kita’, it means that the reader of the source language text is include in it, so the word ‘kami’ is more acceptable.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
I know all this, yet there is one name I cannot remember.
Aku tahu semua ini, namun ada satu nama yang saya tidak ingat.
Aku tahu semua ini, namun ada satu nama yang tidak bisa kuingat.
Analysis : This is the first time that Google translates the word ‘I’ into indonesian by using the word ‘aku’. It is acceptable, however in the word ‘cannot’ Google translate it into ‘tidak’, it results an unclear word. Because the right translation of the word ‘cannot’ is ‘tidak bisa’.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
It is there in the oldest layer of my memory, and I cannot dig it out.
Hal ini ada di lapisan tertua dari ingatan saya, dan saya tidak bisa menggalinya keluar.
Hal itu berada di lapisan terlama dari memoriku, dan aku tidak bisa mengeluarkannya.
Analysis : Google translates the source language text into indonesian word by word again, that makes the translation of the target language unnatural.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
A hundred times I have gone over that morning when Precious Auntie wrote it down.
Seratus kali saya pergi lebih pagi itu ketika Bibi Tersayang menuliskannya.
Seratus kali Aku sudah pergi pagi itu ketika Bibi Tersayang menulisnya.
Analysis : Google translates the word ‘I’ using the word ‘saya’, because of that, the translation is not acceptable.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
I was only six then, but very smart.
Aku hanya enam itu, tapi sangat cerdas.
Aku masih enam tahun kala itu, namun sangat cerdas.
Analysis : Google translates the source language text into target language word by word again and again. So, it results unacceptable translation.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
I could count.
Aku bisa menghitung.
Ku bisa menghitung.
Analysis : Word by word, Google translates the source language word by word again.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
I could read.
Aku bisa membaca.
Ku bisa membaca.
Analysis : Google translates the source language into the target language word by word.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
I had a memory for everything, and here is my memory of that winter morning.
Aku punya memori untuk segala sesuatu, dan di sini adalah kenangan saya yang dingin pagi.
Aku punya memori tentang segala hal, dan inilah memori tentang musim dingin pagi itu.
Analysis : From the Google Translation column above, we can see that Google translate the source language text into Indonesian word by word. It can be seen from the structure of the Google Translation column.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
I was sleepy, still lying on the brick k’ang bed I shared with Precious Auntie.
Saya mengantuk, masih berbaring di tempat tidur K'ang bata saya berbagi dengan Bibi Tersayang.
Aku masih mengantuk, dan terbaring di tempat tidur batu bata k’ang yang kubagi dengan Bibi Tersayang.
Analysis : Google translates the source language text into target language without seeing the grammar structure of the source language text. From this statement, we can conclude that Google cannot translate a text with considering its tense.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
The flue to our little room was furthest from the stove in the common room, and the bricks beneath me had long turned cold.
Cerobong asap untuk keluar sedikit ruang adalah terjauh dari kompor di common room, dan batu bata saya sudah lama berubah dingin.
Cerobong asap menuju ruang kecil kami adalah yang terjauh dari kompor pada ruangan umumnya, dan batu bata di bawah saya sudah lama dingin.
Analysis : From the Google Translation column, we can see that the translation is word to word and out of the context. So, Google often translate a text word to word.  

Source Language Text
Google Translation
I felt  my shoulder being shaken.
Aku merasa bahu saya sedang terguncang.
Aku merasa bahuku terguncang.
Analysis : From the Google Translation column, we can see that the translation of Google is word to word translation.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
When I opened my eyes, Precious Auntie began to write on a scrap of paper, then showed me what she had written.
Ketika saya membuka mata, Bibi Tersayang mulai menulis pada secarik kertas, kemudian menunjukkan apa yang telah ditulisnya.
Ketik Aku membuka mata, Bibi Tersayang mulai menulis pada secarik kertas, lalu memperlihatkan padaku apa yang telah ia tulis.
Analysis : The Google translation in Google Translation column is too word to word. It shows that Google often translates a text by seeing the word structure of the text.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
‘I can’t see,’ I complained.
“Aku tidak bisa melihat,” aku mengeluh.
Aku tak bisa melihat, aku mengeluh.
Analysis : Google translates the word ‘I’ into Indonesia by using the word ‘Aku’, it’s acceptable. But, Google always translate the text unnaturally and without seeing the tense.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
‘It’s too dark.’ 
“Ini terlalu gelap. ‘
Ini terlalu gelap
Analysis : The translation of Google is word to word, but in this sentence it is acceptable.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
She huffed, set the paper on the low cupboard, and motioned that I should get up.
Dia mendengus, mengatur kertas di lemari rendah, dan memberi isyarat bahwa aku harus bangun.
Ia mengendus, merapikan kertas di lemari bawah, dan memberi isyarat bahwa aku harus bangun.
Analysis : The Google translation in Google translation is too word to word. So, the meaning of the text is can’t be understood.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
She lighted the teapot brazier and tied a scraf over her nose and mouth when it started to smoke.
Dia menyalakan tungku teko dan diikat syal menutupi hidung dan mulutnya ketika mulai merokok.
Ia menyalakan tungku teko dan mengikat kain menutupi hidung dan mulutnya ketika tungku teko tersebut berasap.
Analysis : The meaning of the source language text can’t be understood because google translation translate it word to word.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
She poured face-washing water into the teapot’s chamber, and when it was cooked, she started our day.
Dia menuangkan air cuci muka ke dalam kamar teko, dan ketika itu dimasak, ia mulai hari kami.
Ia tuangkan air cuci muka kedalam wadah teko, dan ketika air itu dimasak, ia memulai hari kami.
Analysis : Besides translates the source language text word to word, Google also translates the source language text by using its first meaning. It results the real meaning of the source language text can’t be understood.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
She scrubbed my face and ears.
Dia menggosok wajah dan telinga saya.
Ia gosok wajah dan telingaku.
Analysis : Google translates the pronoun ‘my’ by ‘saya’, but because this is a literary text, the word ‘ku’ is more acceptable. From the Google translation above, we can conclude that Google can’t translate a literary text acceptably.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
She parted my hair and combed my bangs.
Dia berpisah rambut saya dan disisir poni saya.
Ia pisahkan rambutku dan menyisir poniku.
Analysis : From Google translation column above, Google can’t translate the verb ‘parted’ and ‘combed’ correctly. They were translated by Google using the words ‘berpisah’ and ‘disisir’ which are meant passive verb, but in the source language text the word ‘parted’ and ‘combed’ mean active verb.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
She wet down any strands that stuck out like spider legs.
Dia basah turun setiap helai yang mencuat seperti kaki laba-laba.
Ia basahi setiap helai yang mencuat seperti kaki laba-laba.
Analysis : In Google translation column above, can be seen again that Google can’t translates the verb correctly. The verb wet down was translated by Google using the word ‘basah turun’

Source Language Text
Google Translation
Then she gathered the long part of my hair into two bundles and braided them. 
Lalu ia mengumpulkan bagian panjang dari rambut saya menjadi dua bundel dan dikepang mereka.
Lalu ia kumpulkan bagian panjang rambutku menjadi dua bundel dan mengepangnya.
Analysis : Can be seen in Google translation column above that Google can’t translates a verb ‘braided’ correctly. Google translate it by using the word ‘dikepang’.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
She banded the top with red ribbon, the bottom with green.
Dia banded atas dengan pita merah, bagian bawah dengan warna hijau.
Ia ikat bagian atas dengan pita merah dan bagian bawah dengan pita hijau.
Analysis : In Google translation column, can be seen that Google can’t translate the verb ‘banded’. It doesn’t show the translation result of the source language text. From this Google translation can be concluded that sometime Google can’t translate a verb from source language text into target language text.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
I wagged  my head so that my braids swung like the happy ears of palace dogs.
Aku menggoyang-goyangkan kepala saya sehingga saya kepang berayun seperti telinga bahagia anjing istana.
Ku kibaskan kepalaku sehingga kepanganku berayun seperti telinga bahagia anjing istana.
Analysis : From Google translation column above, can be seen that Google can’t translate the source language text by using literary word. Google also can’t translate the noun phrase ‘my braids’, it is translated by the words ‘saya kepang’

Source Language Text
Google Translation
And Precious Auntie sniffed the air as if she, too, were a dog wondering, What’s that good smell? That sniff was how she said my nickname, Doggie.
Dan Bibi Tersayang mengendus-endus udara seolah-olah dia juga adalah anjing bertanya-tanya, apa itu bau yang baik? Mengendus Begitulah katanya nama panggilan saya, Doggie.
Dan Bibi Tersayang mengendus-endus seolah-olah dia juga anjing istana, Apa itu bau yang enak? Endusan itu ialah cara ia menyebut nama panggilanku, Doggie.
Analysis : From Google translation column above can be seen that Google translate the question and also another words word to word and by using its first meaning.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
That was how she talked.
Begitulah cara dia berbicara.
Begitulah cara ia berbicara.
Analysis : Google always translate a word by using its first meaning, from the Google translation column above we can see that Google translate the word ‘she’ by using the word ‘dia’. Because the source language text is the text of literature, so the correct translation of the word ‘she’ is ‘ia’.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
She had no voice, just gasps and wheezes, the snorts of a ragged wind.
Dia tidak punya suara, hanya terengah-engah dan mengi, para dengusan angin compang-camping.
Ia tidak punya suara, hanya terengah-engah dan berdesis-desis, dengan dengusan angin yang tak beraturan.
Analysis : Google translation always word to word, and also using the first meaning of the source language text. But there is a word of the source language text that can’t be translated by Google, it a word wheezes. It concludes that sometime Google can’t translate a word into the target word.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
She told me things with grimaces and groans, dancing eyebrows and darting eyes.
Dia mengatakan kepada saya hal-hal dengan meringis dan erangan, alis menari dan melesat mata.
Ia mengatakan kepadaku hal-hal dengan wajah yang menyeringai dan mengerang, alis yang menari-nari dan mata berkedip-kedip.
Analysis : From Google translation column above can be seen that Google can’t translate the nouns of source language text by using literary word. And it also translates the source language text word to word.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
She wrote about the world on my carry-around chalkboard. 
Dia menulis tentang dunia di sekitar saya membawa-papan tulis.
Ia menulis dunia disekitarku pada papan tulis yang selalu kubawa.
Analysis : We can also see the word to word translation which is done by Google in this Google translation column. And from Google translation column we can see the unliterary translation of pronouns ‘she’ and ‘my’.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
She also made pictures with her black-ened hands.
Dia juga membuat gambar dengan tangan hitam dipersingkat nya.
Ia juga menggambar dengan tangannya yg telah dihitamkan.
Analysis : From the Google translation column we can see that Google translates the source language text word to word.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
Hand-talk, face-talk, and chalk-talk were the languages I grew up with, soundless and strong.
Tangan-talk, wajah-talk, dan kapur-talk adalah bahasa saya dibesarkan dengan, tanpa suara dan kuat.
Tangan berbicara, wajah berbicara, kapur berbicara ialah bahasa-bahasa yang dengannya aku dibesarkan, tidak bersuara dan kuat.
Analysis : The translation of source language text which is done by Google is word to word translation. It is can be seen from the pattern of Google translation column.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
As she wound her hair tight against her skull, I played with her box of treasures.
Saat ia luka rambutnya ketat terhadap tengkoraknya, saya bermain dengan kotak nya harta.
Saat ia mengikat kencang rambut berlawanan dengan tengkoraknya, aku bermain dengan kotak hartanya
Analysis : From the Google translation pattern above can be seen that the translation of Google is word to word translation, so that the meaning of the source language is can’t be understood.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
I took out a pretty comb, ivory with a rooster carved at each end.
Aku mengambil sisir cantik, gading dengan ayam jantan diukir pada setiap akhir.
Ku ambil sisir yang cantik, gading dengan ukiran ayam jantan di setiap akhirnya.
Analysis : The word to word translation of Google can be seen from the translation above. It can be seen from Google translation column that translates the source language text using its first meaning

Source Language Text
Google Translation
Precious Auntie was born a Rooster.
Bibi Tersayang lahir Rooster a.
Bibi Tersayang melahirkan seekor ayam jantan.
Analysis : Google translation column above can be seen that beside Google translates the source language text word to word, it also sometime can’t translate the noun of a source language text.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
‘You wear this,’ I demanded holding it up.
"Kau memakai ini, 'Aku menuntut mengangkatnya.
‘Pakailah ini,’ aku diminta memegangnya.
Analysis : From the Google translation above can be seen again that word to word translation which is used by Google.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
‘Pretty.’ .
Analysis : In Google translation column can be seen that sometime Google was unable to translate an adjective word.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
I was still young enough to believe that beauty came from things, and I wanted Mother to favor her more. 
Saya masih cukup muda untuk percaya bahwa kecantikan datang dari hal-hal, dan saya ingin Ibu untuk mendukung lebih banyak.
Aku masih cukup muda untuk percaya bahwa kecantikan datang dari berbagai hal, dan aku ingin ibu menganugrahinya lebih.
Analysis : From the Google translation column above can be seen that Google can’t translate the pronoun ‘I’ using literature language, and from it also can be seen that the pattern of Google translation is word to word translation.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
But Precious Auntie shook her head .
Tapi Bibi Tersayang menggeleng.
Namun Bibi Tersayang menggeleng.
Analysis : Word to word is the Google translation that can be seen from the Google translation column above. The word ‘But’ which is translated by Google into Indonesian using the word ‘Tapi’ is the proof.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
She pulled off her scarf and pointed to her face and bunched her brows.
Dia melepas kain dan menunjuk wajahnya dan berkumpul alisnya.
Ia melepas kain dan menunjuk wajahnya dan menghias alisnya.
Analysis : From pattern of Google translation column above can be seen that word to word translation is the type of Google translation. And from the word ‘She’ can be conclude the Google can’t translate a word using literature language.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
What use do I have for prettiness? she was saying.
Apa gunanya saya miliki untuk kecantikan? dia katakan.
Apa gunanya kumiliki kecantikan. Ia berkata.
Analysis : Sometime Google can’t translate a question sentence correctly. That statement can be seen from the pattern of question sentence in Google translation column.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
Her bangs fell to her eyebrows like mine.
Poninya jatuh ke alisnya seperti tambang.
Poninya terhelai sampai alis, seperti tali.
Analysis : From Google translation column we can also the word to word pattern of Google translation.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
The rest of her hair was bound into a knot and stabbed together with a silver prong.
Sisa rambutnya diikat menjadi simpul dan ditusuk bersama-sama dengan cabang perak.
Sisa rambutnya ia ikat menjadi simpul dan ditusuk bersamaan dengan garpu perak.
Analysis : In Google translation column above the word to word translation is type of Google translation. That statement can be seen from the translation pattern of Google translation above.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
She had a sweet-peach forehead, wide-set eyes, full cheeks tapering to a small plump nose.
Dia memiliki dahi yang manis-peach, lebar menetapkan mata, pipi penuh meruncing ke hidung gemuk kecil.
Ia memiliki dahi yang bagus, mata yang lebar, pipi yang penuh menonjol ke hidung kecilnya yang gemuk.
Analysis : Beside the word to word and unliterature translation, sometime Google can’t translation an adjective word correctly. It can be seen from the translation of the word sweet-peach into Indonesian which is done by Google using the word manis-peach.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
That was the top of her face.
Itu adalah bagian atas wajahnya.
Itu hanyalah bagian atas wajahnya.
Analysis : Word to word is a type of Google translation. That statement can be seen from Google translation column above.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
Then there was the bottom.
Lalu ada bagian bawah.
Lalu bagian bawahnya.
Analysis : From the translation of source language text into Indonesian which is done by Google above, can be seen that word to word translation is the way of Google translating.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
She wiggled her blackened fingertips like hungry flames.
Dia menggoyangkan ujung jarinya menghitam seperti terbakar lapar.
Ia gerak-gerakkan ujung jari hitamnya bagai api yang lapar.
Analysis : Beside can’t translate a pronoun correctly, Google also can’t translate an adjective correctly. That statement can be seen from the word ‘blackened’ which is translated into Indonesia by using the word ‘menghitam’.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
See what the fire did.
Lihat apa api lakukan.
Lihat yang dilakukan api itu.
Analysis :  the Google translation type of the source language text above is word to word translation. It can be seen from the pattern translation of Google translation column.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
I didn’t think she was ugly, not in the way others in our family did.
Saya tidak berpikir dia jelek, tidak dengan cara lain dalam keluarga kami lakukan.
Aku tidak berpikir ia jelek,  tidak seperti yang keluargaku pikirkan
Analysis :  From the Google translation column above we can see that word to word and not literature are the type of Google translation. It can be seen from the pattern and the way that is used by Google in translating the words ‘I’ into ‘Saya’ and ‘she’ into ‘dia’.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
‘Ai-ya, seeing her, even a demon would leap out of his skin, ‘I once heard Mother remark.
'Ai-ya, melihatnya, bahkan setan akan melompat keluar dari kulitnya, "Saya pernah mendengar Ibu komentar.
‘Ai-ya, melihatnya, bahkan iblis pun  akan melompat dari kulitnya, ‘Aku pernah sekali mendengar perkataan ibu itu.
Analysis : Word to word and unliterature are the type of Google translation. The pattern and the translation of ‘I’ into ‘Saya’ is the proof.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
When I was small, I liked to trace my fingers around Precious Auntie’s mouth.
Ketika saya masih kecil, saya suka untuk melacak jari-jari saya di sekitar mulut Bibi Tersayang itu.
Ketika aku kecil, aku suka merabakan jari-jariku disekitar mulut Bibi Tersayang.
Analysis : The pattern and the translation of ‘I’ into ‘saya’ and ‘trace’ into melacak’ are the proof that The type of Google translation are unliterature and word to word.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
It was a puzzle .
Itu adalah teka-teki.
Hal itu seperti teka-teki.
Analysis : In Google translation column above can be seen that word to word is the way Google translating.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
Half was bumpy, half was smooth and melted closed. 
Setengah bergelombang, setengah halus dan meleleh tertutup.
Setengahnya kasar, setengahnya lagi halus dan tertutup.
Analysis : Word to word, that type of Google translation can be seen from the pattern of Google translation column above.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
The inside her right cheek was stiff as leather, the left was moist and soft.
Bagian dalam pipi kanannya kaku seperti kulit, kiri itu basah dan lembut.
Bagian dalam pipi kananya keras seperti kulit, lalu pipi kirinya lembab dan lembut.
Analysis : Word to word translation is one of Google translation type. It can be seen from Google translation column above.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
Where the gums had burned, the teeth had fallen out.
Dimana gusi telah membakar, gigi telah jatuh.
Dimana gusinya telah terbakar, dan giginya telah tanggal.
Analysis : In Google translation column above can be seen that sometime Google can’t translate a verb phrase correctly. The word ‘had burned’ which is translated into ‘telah membakar’ is the proof.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
And her tongue was like a parched root.
Dan lidahnya seperti akar kering
Dan lidahnya bagaikan akar kering.
Analysis : From the Google translation column above can be seen that unliterature is the type of Google translation. The word ‘like’ which is translated into ‘seperti’ is the proof.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
She could not taste the pleasures of life : salty and bitter, sour and sharp, spicy, sweet, and fat.
Dia tidak bisa merasakan kesenangan hidup: asin dan pahit, asam dan tajam, pedas, manis, dan lemak.
Ia tidak merasakan kesenangan hidup : asin dan pahit, asam dan tajam, pedas, manis, dan berlemak.
Analysis : Unliterature translation in Google translation column above can be seen from the translation ‘she’ into ‘dia’.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
No one else understood Precious Auntie’s kind of talk, so I had to say aloud what she meant.
Tidak ada orang lain memahami jenis Tersayang Bibi bicara, jadi saya harus mengatakan dengan keras apa maksudnya.
Tak ada yang mengerti cara Bibi Tersayang bicara, sehingga aku harus beerbicara dengan keras apa yang ia maksud.
Analysis : From the pattern of Google translation column above can be concluded that word to word is the way of Google translates.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
Not everything, though, not our secret stories.
Tidak semuanya, meskipun, tidak cerita rahasia kami.
Tidak semuanya, meskipun, bukan cerita rahasia kami.
Analysis : Word to word is the way Google translates that sentence in Google translation.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
She often told me about her father, the Famous  Bonessetter from the Mouth of the Mountain, about the cave where they found the dragon bounds, how the bones were divine and could cure any pain, except a grieving heart : ‘Tell me again,’ I said that morning, wishing for a story about how she burned her face and became my nursemaid.
Dia sering bercerita tentang ayahnya, Terkenal Bonessetter dari Mulut Gunung, tentang gua tempat mereka menemukan batas naga, bagaimana tulang yang ilahi dan bisa menyembuhkan rasa sakit, kecuali hati berduka: 'Katakan lagi,' Saya mengatakan pagi itu, berharap untuk sebuah cerita tentang bagaimana dia membakar wajahnya dan menjadi pengasuh saya.
Ia sering bercerita soal ayahnya kepadaku,  seorang Bonester terkenal dari Mulut Gunung, mengenai gua dimana ia dan ayahnya menemukan jejak naga, bagaimana tulang-tulang dewa berada dan dapat menyembuhkan rasa sakit, kecuali hati yang berduka : ‘Beritahu aku lagi, Ku berkata pagi itu, mengharapkan cerita bagaimana ia membakar wajahnya dan jadi pengasuh saya.
Analysis : Word to word is the way Google translates. From the long sentence above can be seen the proof.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
I was a fire-eater, she said with her hands and eyes.
Aku adalah api pemakan, katanya dengan tangan dan matanya.
Aku adalah pemakan api, katanya bersamaan dengan tangan dan matanya.
Analysis : From Google translation column above we can see the way google translates, it is word to word

Source Language Text
Google Translation
Hundreds of people came to see me in the market square.
Ratusan orang datang menemui saya di alun-alun pasar.
Ratusan orang datang menemuiku di alun-alun pasar.
Analysis : from the translation of ‘me’ into ‘saya’ is the example of Google unliterature translation.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
Into the burning pot of my mouth I dropped raw pork, added chilies and bean paste, stirred this up, then offered the morsels to people to taste.
Ke dalam panci membakar mulut saya, saya menjatuhkan daging babi mentah, menambahkan cabai dan pasta kacang, diaduk hal ini, kemudian menawarkan potongan kepada orang-orang untuk mencicipi.
Kedalam panci panas kumasukkan daging babi mentah, lalu kutambahkan cabai dan pasta kacang, kuaduk dan kemudian kutawarkan orang-orang untuk mencicipinya.
Analysis : From the patter Google translation column above we can see that word to word is the way Google translates. Beside that sometime Google can’t translate a verb an adjective correctly. That statement can be seen from the translation of ‘burning pot’ into ‘panci membakar’ and ‘dropped’ into menjatuhkan.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
If they said, ‘Delicious!’ I opened my mouth as a purse to catch their copper coins.
Jika mereka berkata, 'Delicious! "Saya membuka mulut saya sebagai tas untuk menangkap koin tembaga mereka.
Seandainya mereka bilang, ‘Lezat!’ kubuka mulutku sebagai dompet untuk mengambil koin tembaga mereka.
Analysis : Word to word is the type of Google translation. It can be seen from the pattern of Google translation column above.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
One day, however, I ate the fire, and the fire came back, and it ate me.
Suatu hari, bagaimanapun, aku makan api, dan api itu kembali, dan itu makan saya.
Suatu hari, aku berniat memakan api itu, namun api itu kembali untuk memakanku.
Analysis : Word to word translation above shows that Google often used word to word translation.

Source Language Text
Google Translation
After that, I decided not to be a cook-pot anymore, so I became your nursemaid instead.
Setelah itu, saya memutuskan untuk tidak menjadi-pot masak lagi, jadi saya menjadi pengasuh Anda sebagai gantinya.
Setelah itu, aku memutuskan untuk tidak menjadi panci masak lagi, sebagai gantinya aku jadi pengasuhmu.
Analysis : From the translation of ‘cook-pot’ into ‘pot-masak’, is a proof that sometime Google can’t translate a noun phrase.

Source Language Text
Google Translete
I laughed and clapped my hands, likeing this made-up story best.
Aku tertawa dan bertepuk tangan, menyukai cerita yang dibuat-buat ini terbaik.
Kutertawa sambil bertepuk tangan, menyukai cerita terbaik ini.
Analysis : From Google translation column above we can see the word to word is the way Google translates.

Source Language Text
Google Translete
The day before, she told me she had stared  at an unlucky star falling out of the sky and then it dropped into her open mouth and burned her face.
Sehari sebelumnya, dia bilang dia telah menatap sebuah bintang sial jatuh dari langit dan kemudian jatuh ke mulutnya yang terbuka dan membakar wajahnya.
Hari sebelumnya, ia memberitahuku ia baru saja melihat bintang kesialan jatuh dari langit kemudian berujung ke mulut terbukanya dan membakar wajahnya.
Analysis : Word to word translation type above can be seen from the pattern of Google translation column.

Source Language Text
Google Translete
The day before that, she said she had eaten what she thought was a spicy Hunan dish only to find  that it was the coals used for cooking.
Sehari sebelum itu, dia bilang dia makan apa yang dia pikir adalah Hunan hidangan yang pedas hanya untuk menemukan bahwa itu adalah bara yang digunakan untuk memasak.
Sehari sebelum hari itu, ia bilang ia baru saja makan yang ia pikir adalah hidangan Hunan pedas hanya untuk menemukan bahwa itu batu bara untuk memasak.
Analysis : The pattern of Google translation column above shows that Google translates the source language text word to word.

Source Language Text
Google Translete
No more stories, Precious Auntie now told me, her hands talking fast.
Tidak ada lagi cerita, Bibi Tersayang sekarang mengatakan kepada saya, tangannya berbicara cepat.
Tak ada cerita lagi, Bibi Tersayang berkata, dan tangannya berbicara dengan cepat.
Analysis : Word to word, from Google translation column can be seen that this kind of translation is often used by Google in translating.
Source Language Text
Google Translete
It’s almost time for breakfast, and we must pray while we’re still hungry.
Sudah hampir waktunya untuk sarapan, dan kita harus berdoa sementara kita masih lapar.
Sudah hampir waktunya sarapan, namun kami masih harus berdoa sambil menahan lapar.
Analysis :  From Google translation column above can be seen that word to word is the way Google translates.

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